International Poster Gallery
Subway station Spuiplein, The Hague (1995 - 2000)
The IPGF strived for the realization of a poster museum in an underground metro station (designed by O.M.A.) in the Hague, where authentic, aged posters will be exposed. Since the material of these posters is very sensitive to external influences, special exhibition facilities have been designed and constructed to provide the optimal conditions for preservation.
A 150 meter long show-case of glass is designed in which posters are exposed in Micro Climate Boxes that are attached to a transportation chain. This exhibition system eliminates the aggressive influences of the atmosphere in the metro station on the vulnerable posters by creating a controlled, stable climate. In this way, a unique underground poster gallery was created.
The key component of the exhibition system forms the Micro Climate Box (MCB). The MCB, which is currently in production by Smit Art Protection Systems BV, is also applicable in other exhibition environments (e.g. museums).